Cover Gallery

Are you ready? It's time to start designing your own sticker album. Choose with great wisdom.

In this section, you can find the most beautiful and HIGHLIGHTED covers that we have made for our customers. Get inspired! Take note! And have ready the best idea for the cover of your own Print Album.

  • Your cover with the "Magazine" design, include the most creative title, and of course the best photo you have with your special person!

  • White with title”Is a cover for lovers of minimalism. Add a simple but magical cover to your sticker album.

  • ”Cartoon Photo” . The ideal cover for those looking for something more tender and beautiful. We make you the ANIMATION of your photo. Remember that we need a "selfie" for this cover.

  • ”Magazine Design” . We really love this cover. It is a combination of originality and creativity. Just imagine your favorite photo with the best phrases. Wow.

  • ”Up Design” . Inspired by the movie, give away a sticker album with the most iconic cover of the memory albums. Only this album will be even more special.

  • ”Collage Cover” . This cover is special. A handful of your best photos placed in a beautiful way to start your sticker album.

  • ”Cartoon Photo” . The ideal cover for those looking for something more tender and beautiful. We make you the ANIMATION of your photo. Remember that we need a "selfie" for this cover.

  • The ”Polaroid Cover” is one of our most popular covers. The best option if you are looking for something simple but outstanding. I already have mine with this cover!!

  • ”Full Photo”. It is a perfect cover for those looking for something formal, elegant and beautiful. Choose your favorite photo and phrase for yours.

  • ”Spotify Cover”. Cover with a musical touch. If you are looking to dedicate a song when opening your album. This is the ideal one for you. Of course, you choose the song you want.

  • ”Magazine Design” . We really love this cover. It is a combination of originality and creativity. Just imagine your favorite photo with the best phrases. Wow.

  • “Full Photo” . Another wonderful example of an album with the "Full Photo" design. Include your big photo, you can add a phrase, their names, a date. The possibilities are endless.